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Why I hesitate reading self-development guides?

· 2 min read
Wojciech Gruszczyk
Chief Blog Officer

This post is the first one of a series that I plan on books that I find useful and worth reading for startup founders, inventors, and anyone who wants to better understand the world of business, invention, and economy.

Book & glasses with a cracked American flag.

Like a preach

Quite often books on self-development remind me of a preach. Authors often touch the surface and give general advice or high-level slogans that are full of pathos and so detached from reality, that make them inapplicable in practice. Usually, it is the case with most of the books targetting the American market.

After this introduction, I guess that you can already guess how big was the surprise when I started Brian Tracy's "No excuses!" (yes, it is cheesy-titled...) and finished it after 5 hours of non-stop reading. Right after I took up "'Million Dollar Habits" and again - bingo!

Both books could be summarized in one sentence: Discipline is what you must have! But besides the slogan, the books give you concrete examples and tactics on how to apply the rule of discipline in practical life scenarios. The books cover over 20 areas in which it is beneficial to be disciplined and - what is most important - how to do it. Both books are quick to read - no unnecessary repetitions or high-level babble - but definitely you will have to, and will want to, come back to them from time to time.


Below you can find links to the books - if you purchase through the link, you will support this blog 😄

Million Dollar Habits

Practical, Proven, Power Practices to Double and Triple Your Income

  • I believe something wonderful is going to happen to me today.

No Excuses!

The Power of Self-Discipline

  • Discipline is what you must have to resist the lure of excuses.
  • I have worried about a lot of things in life, and most of them never happened.

If you have any thoughts on Brian Tracy's books or want to recommend anything that inspired you - leave your comments below!